January 25th, 2007

Sono viva

Posted by Anneke in Canzoni, Vita vissuta, Video

E’ che non ho voglia di scrivere.
E forse non ho neanche il tempo.

When we were young the future was so bright
The old neighborhood was so alive
And every kid on the whole damn street
Was gonna make it big in every beat

Now the neighborhood’s cracked and torn
The kids are grown up but their lives are worn
How can one little street
Swallow so many lives?

Chances thrown
Nothing’s free
Longing for
Used to be
Still it’s hard
Hard to see
Fragile lives
shattered dreams

Jenny had a chance, well she really did
Instead she dropped out and had a couple of kids
Mark still lives at home cause he’s got no job
He just plays guitar and smokes a lot of pot

Jay committed suicide
Brandon OD’d and died
What the hell is going on?
The cruellest dream - reality

Chances thrown
Nothing’s free
Longing for
what used to be
Still it’s hard
Hard to see
Fragile lives
Shattered dreams

2 Responses to ' Sono viva '

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  1. Zia Nimmy said,

    on January 27th, 2007 at 1:01 am

    Oh quant’ero giovane quando cantavo questa canzone con il mio primo gruppo musicale!!!

  2. David said,

    on January 27th, 2007 at 10:49 am

    Non mi fanno impazzire gli Offsprings. Mi hanno dato sempre l’idea di già sentito. Ma questo video mi piaceva tanto e l’ho rivisto tutto proprio ora. Grazie piccolè!

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